Ship wrecked.

A green canopy, a winter morning
A rare glimpse of the glorious sun
As the thoughts of the unknown strike at lightning speed on this freeway,
I blink, I swivel, I take rapid control,
I take a breath, and many more, unstoppingly, I survive!

Every step, every breath, a smile adorned on this face
Realisation of the passing time
Satisfaction of the daily ordeal
Unsaid, buried grief of the lost and unfound.

What holds our idealism together?
What fascinating “meat” is this life?
What tucks the day into the night and the night into the day?
What behaviour bestows upon us the crowning jewel of the play?

The strand, as I have come to believe is this breath.
This seemingly unstoppable action that happens every “breathe we take”.
The urge to control this event blows a triumph horn for those successful few
But are they really successful? Or have they succumbed to defeat?

As I lay in this white room, car-wrecked I am,
This grey piece of a computer i call dear seems to be my only friend.
I have been in this state for a seemingly long amount of time, in the solitude it seems.
Getting back to writing is my peace point.

The nurse asks me to lay down “the wea-pen”,
The doctor begs me to rest the nerves,
As I lay in this bed motionless down the waist,
I cry, I weep, the tears unstoppable, the grief unsurmountable.

I remember all the moments in my life that i cant ever forget
Well, they are…. almost all of my life!
Now, in this pitiable state, I wish i had been kind, I had seen through the light.
I wish I had seen what was in store on the other side of the cavern or not?!
I wish I had been able to give away “my precious”!

I cant repair the past, I cant seem to mend the future and alas!, the present has made me its slave!
What have I in my hands, I question. This grave? This motionless, yet brave Gail?
The onlookers convince me of this glory present,
I listen, I smile, I cry, I hold tight.

This loss has reminded me of the real meaning of me and this life.
“To be” is the only answer, to “not to be” doesnt exist.
Can I get back what I have left back? Can the relationships tied during this life reign?
Can my utter sorrow repair the damages done along the path?

No one has wronged, apparently everyone was right,
It was just not seen in the right light.
True affection was sowed in the sands of time,
The roll of the months or the years dont mend the bend.

O thou, gone away,
Thou art remembered, in painful times as such as these as well as happy times.
For the pain thou gave me and the pain i go through now, arent comparable.
I have roller-coastered this life over, I am ready for a new beginning.

Prayers are not always answered as in a rapid fire round, this is the real deal.
Faith and Hope are the uplifters.
I have faith that I could walk again and maybe dance?,
I have hope this body wont fail me,
I put faith in my hope,
I am the hope, I am the faith.

Love and Forgiveness: The right mix.

“Love includes forgiveness, and forgiveness requires letting go of the past.” – Top Tweet on Twitter

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” – Gandhi

“We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive.  He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love.” – MLK Jr

“What power has love but forgiveness? ” – William Carlos Williams

“If we really want to love,  we must learn how to forgive ” – Mother Teresa

“Father, forgive them;  for they know not what they do. ” – Luke 23

“If one really and truly loved, one has been indulging in the selfless act of forgiving right from day 1 and not even knowing that one has been doing so.” – Anonymous

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